.detuned is a not a game, it just simply can't be referred to as such. It's an experience, and not a very good one at that. So your environment is one single room with a guy in a chair in the center surrounded by odd blue creatures. You can manipulate the man and the background music with a series of button presses. For example you can expand his head, change his color, make him stand up, speed up the music etc. That's literally it, in many ways it could be argued that this is a demonstration of the systems capabilities but on the flipside whatever system this is run on I can assure you is capable of so very much more. .detuned has no missions, no tasks, no aims, and therefore the novelty value with wear off really thin. If it had been released now it'd be VR and would have been worthy of 10 minutes of your time instead of the 5 it's worth now. The Good: Nope The Bad: Serves no purpose No game to speak of Annoying music
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Game Release Date
Release Date
United States 10-19-2009