I'm not kidding. The career mode is mostly the same, although Codemasters "try" and mix it up by allowing you to choose between 7 races, 12 races, and 19 (full 2014 season) races. They got rid of the classic cars that F1 2013 brought in (those were actually a well like feature within the F1 gaming fanbase by the way). Then there's the 2014 cars themselves. Oh dear, the physics are awful in this game. The cars CONSTANTLY drive like they're on ice, they keep nearly spinning out on every corner exit, and Matthew Gallagher (a.k.a. xMattyG1 on Youtube) said it best about the engine sounds in F1 2014, "It sounds like a bathtub being pushed through a mincer." You'd expect the graphics to be improved, but no! The graphics are literally just F1 2013 graphics, but even worse! Not only are the cars themselves extremely ugly (not Codemaster's fault), but the lighting is horrendous when it comes to the reflections and glare from the sun (especially on the Mercedes, which of course IS Codemasters' fault)! The night tracks also look awful (especially Bahrain). Did I mention the spray glitch that the cars have during the rain, where water only spews off of one side of the car, yet it doesn't on the other? The online for this game is pretty glitchy, albeit not as glitchy as the next game (F1 2015). Yeah, I hate this game. The career mode is pretty much just as barebones as 2013's career mode. Also, although it's not really that important, but the soundtrack for 2014, is more forgettable and not as good as some of the previous games and their soundtracks. Yep, not a good game in my opinion, I don't recommend this lazy, half-baked effort of a game. Don't buy it, just, don't.
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Game Release Date
Release Date
United Kingdom 10-21-2014
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