This game is another honorable mention in favorite video games but it's defenently one of my favorite puzzle games of all time. It was really something unique and pretty Japanize with most of it's cutezy animation and content of the cut scenes with it's content. There really isn't much of a plotline except that your some demi god sent by a god from the sky to free land masses from evil. Look the plot really isn't important, what's really important is the gameplay and it's great. Yeah, it's once again a simplistic approach but that is what makes it fun; the game is kinda a mix of "Pengo" and "The Adventures of Lolo" franchise. Your character is a cute ear muffed boy whom has ice powers kinda like Elsa from "Frozen". You powers have two features, they can turn enimies into ice blocks. Though some you can't turn into blocks you can freeze and make ice sculptures out of them to break, or stun them as some opponents don't stay frozen long. Another part of the powers are creating pegs to block and misdirect opponents or even shield you from certain projectiles. Your able to kick the ice blocks any direction you want with great force, however you can't move or pull them by walking toward them much like in games like "Zelda" so you have to pick out your directions carefully. This is unique because you have to consider the physics of the ice and how to utilize it to your advantage. With this block you can not just create bridges but if it goes the wrong way and is stuck then you can simply break it and create another one. And these ice blocks have a time limit as they melt so don't waste time. Character animation is soild really cutzy from the main character to some of the monster opponents that are colorful from blue blobs and bears. Down to the bosses whom are all unique. But what really stands out like in all puzzle games are the puzzles. The puzzles kinda like with "The Adventures of Lolo" are onces were you have to figure out how to get all of the well placed treasures in order to pass to the next stage. Each of the stages are colorfully designed and are always a different puzzle a different chalange. At first it starts out a little easy but then as you progress they get a little tricker and the rules your familiar with change. What I love about this game is how it really causes you to adjust your mindset and take your time to think. Depending on the challenge I'm always trying to think of how to get to point a and b correctly; what should I do first, what physics do I need to consider, should I kick the ice here or there, how to I use an obsiticle to my advantage, what is the correct timing to move, etc. Yeah, it's a real brain buster but in a good way and rather rewarding, knowing it was your own wits that made you win. I even like the boss battles which are unique because their kinda puzzle by their nature as each bizzare looking boss has a unique attack pattern which you have to figure out and turn that attack against the boss. Kickle Cubbcle is cool. Rating: 4 stars
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