This game is one of my favorite light gun games. Game is pretty much like "Operation Wolf" doing "The Terminator" as your fighting an army of cyborgs; this game predates the "T2 the Arcade Game" which came out about three years after this game and this game was a couple of years before the T2 film. Like most light machine gun games, it's brain numbing fun and it does take it's cues from "Operation Wolf" but there's nothing wrong with both factors, like any well maintained mechanized machine as long as it works it works. Not much I can really say, your pretty much trying to destroy an evil cyborg army, blowing away everything that comes at you and shoots you on screen. That's it in a nutshell but to me what really makes this light gun game stand out is in the variety in the levels, each of the levels your in are always something different as they percent different challenges, my favorite is in the second level when you have spotlights and you have to immediately shoot wherever the spotlight shines. Even like some of the boss battles that are different and fun. The passing of the game is very good as it's in a constant steady but fast motion, things are just constantly happening all around you, you can't afford to take a breath as your just constantly blowing away everyone around you and well as finding some items to keep you going. But the highlight for me was are the cyborgs themselves. I really like the graphical effects of blowing away some of the enemies exposing them for the cyborgs they are. Really like the design of the cyborgs at they are no doubt inspired by the ones from "The Terminator", it's just gratifying to make scrap heap out of the cyborgs. Like any well maintain machine, all the gears mesh and work. Rating: 3 and a half stars
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