This is one of my favorite video games of all time, as well as favorite shooters. This is a truly unique shooter as it not just gets into the fantasy genre, but it's focused on Greek Mythology which is cool as it's something I don't see much of in the shooter genre or ever since. But also the fact that it gets at my favorite kind of mythology, I love Greek Mythology ever since I was six years old, it was just so fascinating the monsters, heroes and stories themselves which just felt like anything was possible; having a shooter game based on that felt like a dream come true, as if this game was made for fans of Greek Mythology. I really love the graphical presentation from the backgrounds that really capture the look and feel of Ancient Greece, they make this a word that is both dangerous but also beautiful and wonderous, which is the perfect feel for the Greek mythology. I even really like the character sprite animation, from the sub enemies like skeletons, demons, phoenixes, harpies, dragons, jousting knights on birds (a obvious "Joust" homage), and other flunkies from the mythological world. I like the animation for your protagonist riding the white Pegasus and your character the sun god Apollo with that gold armor and that cool magic sword. But I really like the animation of the bosses whom to me are one of the highlights of the game as they consist of course of the rogue gallery of Greek Mythos which I'll get to latter. What I also like about the presentation is how they utilized a little of that zoom in and lively foregrounds which was common with the SNES console which gave that slight illusion of three dimension. From one part of the game, you break through a Stain Glass window and then there is a camera zoom effect where it gives the illusion that Apollo and Pegasus are descending down to the next area; thought that was really cool you really felt like you were going down but that the environment you in was more three dimensional. This is also utilized well in the moving sequences where the background move along with a little of the foreground giving that illusion of constant movement. The music is just fantastic, this game has some of my favorite tracks of all time that really have that romantic, fantasy and adventurous tone to just give the game the epic adventure feel it is. Of course, the most important aspect is the gameplay which is great as any shoot em up can be. I really love the fact that your using a magic sword as your shooter which I feel breaks that cliche of the common gun or even jet or space fighter; and makes sense as this is a game based on the fantasy genre. You shoot out magic bolts but you also have a charge function which is common in most shooter which can discharge an even more powerful blast. And of course you have several of the power ups like in every shooter from the options that will increase the quantity of your fire power. And different kinds of weapons that are useful for each level, from one that shoots out what looks like power guillotine blades and another bouncing triangles. Game is also educational if you can believe that, and I also mean that in a good way. From its constant developing story in which your protagonist is the Greek God: Apollo god of the Sun whom must save your significant other the Greek Goddess Artemis and all of the mortal realm from the forces of evil. That's pretty much it, yeah it's simplistic but that's what most of mythology is just simple fantasy tales and that the way I like it and makes the game true to the spirit of mythology. But I like as you clear each level there is an amount of intrigue as we see the story develops as we see one different cut scene after another and there is a little eroticism as we see the chained up Artemis and there is a brick wall as it's destroyed little by little by the main villain we see a little more of Artemis revealed. You can say this predates the game "Super Metroid" with the reveal of Samus, yeah I know eroticism but hey whatever motivates you to get through the entire game. Anyway, other than that one of the highlights is fighting against the boss which consist of all the rogues from Greek Mythology much as DC and Marvel have their mythological rogue gallery. I really like the animation of them but also their lively expressions which make the bosses even more menacing and creepier. Two rogue I really liked taking down and of course remember them from the 80's film "Clash of the Titans" are the Three Stygian Witches and Medusa. Each of the boss battles are really not that easy as each of them are a challenge as you have to beat each of them in a different way, which I like gives the boss battles variety. It may take a little practice to beat each of them but it just makes it all the more gratifying, knowing that you were the one that beat each of these legendary rogues and even makes you feel like a classic mythological hero. Just like the myths of Greek mythology, this game will make your fun and imagination soar to heights you've never known, nor will forget. Rating: 4 stars.
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