This game is another of my honorable mentions and childhood relic of mine. I also feel it's a bit of an under the radar gem as it's became a bit forgotten overtime. Plotline even the platform actioning aspect of the game don't seem to special as it's like "Ghouls and Ghosts" but it's really in its execution that makes it stand out. The graphics I thought were very good as they really create and bring out a dark fantasy world that is dangerous but fascinating at the same time. The animation of the characters is solid, really like some of the enemy's like these creepy and weird bat spiders, another some creepy midget warlocks with glowing eyes that remind me of those nasty zombie dwarves from the horror film "Phantasm", jumping hunchback zombies, and a lot of other nasty creatures to burn. The music in the game is good, I wouldn't say the tunes I listen to every day but their adequate to be an enjoyable listen from the first level and even the repetitive beat in the castle segments. But one thing makes this game a somewhat uniqueness and that's game play which is very good. I really like the format of the game which is somewhat similar with "Rastan" where it has this pattern where one the first level you go the basic linear route but then on the second once you reach the castle it's an interior maze but still a linear format only you have to move back, forth, up and down to get from point A to B, depending on how the castle is structured. Those castles are always death traps as there are just all kinds of things built to kill you, I remember as a kid I was always afraid of the typical clichéd crushers that will always squash you if you screw up on the timing, so God forbid you do. The control is solid, I really like there is some physics making the character move a little realistically from summoning your fireballs they go in a small but middle arch. But also, the momentum in jump as you go in an slight arc and land steadily, just like with the game "Journey to Silius" for the NES another under the radar gem you need to pick your jumps carefully because one wrong move can be fatal. Another thing that makes the game stand out is the RPG aspect, where at the end of the level depending on how much you've stocked up and retained gold you can use that to buy whatever you need to get a step ahead of the game. Like firing rapid fire with the fire balls or a slight spread shot where you throw fireballs but from different heights. Wardner (a.k.a. Pyros) is on fire with fun. Rating: 3 and a half stars
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