This is another of my favorite video games of all time and one of my favorite maze action games. This game is one of the last best ones of a genre that was at the time already fading. The story isn't unique as the plot is your typical damsel in distress cliche as an evil fairy has kidnaped your princess girlfriend and has hidden her away in the maze, for what reason I don't know, and it doesn't really matter as it's just a clothesline for what were all really in this game for the maze action. The maze action in this game is unique as you can say it's almost a combination of the maze action games "Lady Bug" and "Pengo" both also personal favorites of mine and stories for another time. Really like the graphical presentation which is quite beautiful as it looks like a combination of both 2 and 3 dimension, but also looks up to date for the 90's, in fact this game you can say was one of the kickoffs for videos games of that decade as this game came out in 1990. Music is decent, nothing to run home about but it fits the quirky fun nature of this game. But of course, the main stars of this game are the gameplay and the mazes. Of course, in maze action fashion you must collect all the keys to advance to the next level. What makes this maze action game unique is just like with the games "Lady Bug" and "Pengo" you have control over the walls. In this game your able to push the walls which not just make way to get to where you need to go but can even act as weapons against some of the nasties that try to stop you. There are a good variety of nasties and as you progress you then see different kinds with different kinds of abilities to contend with. I really like the designs of them as just as your character their all sort of anime cutesy you could almost have plush toys with each of them. But I also like the humor with them from their facial expression of the pain of a wall that smashes down on them which almost makes you feel sorry for them (I said almost their nasties after all their job is to kill you). Or curtains nasties we see like cigarette smoking blobs, yeah not kidding. There are also a good variety of maze, each of them is always different so you can't expect the same things from them. From both challenge but also what you must do to get though them. It's not just as easy as pushing down the walls because there are physics to consider, like in some mazes the walls are blocked off where you must push one wall a particular direction to push the other. Also, there are different sized and colored walls which fall a certain way, like red walls when pushed can collapse many others that are in its way like dominos. I even like how after you clear about ten levels there is always a cinematic cut scene in the end, that's nothing special but it's still a cool thing to see and a way to let you know the story is progressing. The game's difficulty is varied, it's not too hard but it's not all that easy as there are some mazes that are slightly tricky to get though. The game is a matter of trial and error, like with most gamers and puzzle solvers it's easy to fall into that mind trap of repeating a certain method. The keys are to break that method and do something different. But the other key is to not overcomplicate you thinking and actions. Like with all puzzles the solution is simple but doesn't seem that way at first. This is one amazing maze worth running and pushing though. Rating: 4 stars.
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