This is one of my favorite video games of all time and shoot em ups. It's true this game would be considered a bit of another R-Type clone. But I don't mind if everything is functional, the game does take a cue or two but it's still its own thing, also most importantly it's fun. I feel what makes this game stand out is more in presentation along with premise. This game is a sci-fi genre shooter, what makes this stand out is your controlling an actual robot. I like that because it's a change of pace from always controlling the usual standard star fighter in these games. But not any ordinary robot a dragon robot, really like the design of the dragon it looks like it could have been for the "Transformers" line up. This dragon is the serpent style which makes sense and feels right for this kind of game, I'll explain more later. The graphical presentation is top notch from the backgrounds down to the enemies. I like that most of the enemies look like creatures of animalistic nature but in technological form again also look like some of them could be part of the "Transformers" line up. Like the giant robot dogs, they have in the game remind me of the Decepticon Ravage. Along with bosses like a giant robot Bull and Spider that could be the Predacon Tyranchious. Music is great this game has a lot of memorable tracks that I like to listen too while doing aerobic workouts, each the tracks just sound beautifully cool and really make you feel like you're going at a slightly fast pace. The gameplay is excellent, its some of the standard shooter fare, going up, down, side to side and firing. There are good weapons, and you can also level up on the weapons you have if you collect enough of the same. From the always wonderful spread shot, the bouncing steel balls that are good for both defense and offense, and my favorite the fire which delivers a lot of stopping power and let alone what would a dragon be without fire. Really like how the levels are structured, just like in "R-Type" each of them by their nature are a puzzle where you must find a way to go though point A to B safely and effectively. The boss battles are a challenge as well as each of them are by there nature a set of stages, where you fight it long enough on the first round but then when you clear that one, the boss then pulls out a new trick and the second round begins. The game's difficulty is no doubt on the hard side of thing but it's fair. Each of the levels along with bosses are beatable but it's a matter of trial and error, it's going to take more than one goes to get it right. And that's common with almost all shoot em up games and I wouldn't want it any other way. Of course, there is the dragon you control, what I like is that you have a tail control of. It's much like with the drone weapon from R-Type only here you use your tail as both your shield and weapon. With the tail you can shield yourself from laser fire and projectiles, though not everything as it doesn't defend you from giant laser blasts or projectiles that are too big, so you still must be careful. It can also make for a good melee weapon if you get the tail in the right place and move with it correctly; but like I said do it carefully because you do run the risk of the enimies blowing you away at point blank range so it's a matter of risk and reward on this matter. "Saint Dragon soars high in the heavens of fun." Rating: 4 stars.
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