Forward 13 Waking Up the American Dream

2h 00m
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Caught in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, Patrick Lovell, one of 10 million people who lost their homes, finds himself asking why he and so many Americans were blindsided by th...

Finished watching this on Hulu thinking this was an in depth look at how banks screwed the American public and how we should've been more cautious signing documents we don't understand. Nope. Got an hour forty five minute pity party with holes big enough to suck up entire galaxies. Claiming to be a regular Joe Shmo, he admits to growing up middle class in a nice, happy, homogenous, family moving on to bumming around the mountains and going to college. Read: Sheltered. He says "following college.." Did he not graduate? Dad was an attorney. OK. Doesn't him being an attorney totally kill the integrity of this film in a way? Moving on. Grandad says "you can be what you want if you work for it", cut to this guy moving to Hollywood. What happened to being an attorney? He wants to be a producer. OK. But he didn't go to college for any film degree. In the mean time the film cuts to photos (uploaded from a Blackberry) of him doing things 20 years later (??). "Life led me back to Utah" nice way of saying cut and run? (photos of him bumming around again) Hooked up with a girl and "When SHE brought HER son into the world..." What? Is Patrick not related to this kid? (bumming around) Still waiting to see this hardcore work ethic (and some info of what he was doing for a living around this time would've been..insightful). BS fortune cookie philosophy ensues. "Like the founding fathers, I...." Really. You did not compare yourself to the founding fathers. Moving swiftly along, him and the wife are making "good money" (once again not telling us what hes been doing for 15-20 years) and decide to buy a house. He doesn't tell us the price to this house and actually asked the mortgage broker "how this happened so easily?" This guy is pushing (or over) 40 and he doesn't know this? Or much less have the 20% down?? "I had to no idea at the time what that meant.." And who's fault is that? (photos of him BUILDING a house..interesting) Now he's deciding to start his own business. Doing what??? 2008 comes and he failed his family and is moving out? I must've blinked cause I missed something here. Umm....why? (bumming around crying at grandpas grave) Patrick and his wife get 2 jobs each. Not really understanding why since they no longer have the house. "I was so preoccupied with my own trauma, I thought we were the only ones going through this." I believe you believed that. Come to find out, you kept your house. Whoa. What? You showed clips of someone moving out, foreclosure signs and going on about failing everyone. They STOPPED paying the bank and they got a trial modification. So...the bank gave you another chance. They didn't immediately foreclose on the they did to the other millions of people who Patrick thinks he identifies with. Somehow they screw this up for 9 months and the bank has had enough. The wife slips and lets us know their mortgage was $2600!! WTF. HOW MUCH WAS THIS HOUSE?? These two are convinced banks are there to "help you out" lol These two then proceed to blame the bank in any way they can. And then America. America is to blame. But Patrick still has dreams dammit. To hell with reality. (bumming around with random guy) Now he's gonna be a filmmaker and take his straight white Christian middle class male message to the poor masses. (bumming around with random guy for two months) I'd like to know whos taking care of his wife and kid in this time... Some overweight ex-frat guy makes a statement I'm surprised Patrick included in the film....since it demolishes the entire concept of the film. "I had to pay that price...and that's OK. I reaped the benefit of what I did right and I paid the price of what I did wrong." Exactly. He didn't bum around making crap documentaries about his bad choices. Patrick is not relatable. He was given every shot at life living a charmed existence whilst making crappy decisions and it caught up with him. Something he should've stopped and considered while taking selfies skiing on his Blackberry thinking he was a badass. And even then continues making bad choices making this film. Its an insult to Occupy and to anyone who who has made WISE choices...and yet continues to struggle. Patrick needs to quit bumming around and take responsibility. Decent editing tho.
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Other Details

Release Dates: 01-21-2014

Country of origin: United States

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Color Format

Color: color


Budget: USD

Revenue Worldwide

Currency: USD

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