My Story
Gender: Male
Place of birth: United States (US)
Toby Haynes
Toby Haynes is working on the as yet un-named Star Wars: Cassian Andor series for Disney+. In 2020, he was nominated by BAFTA for his work on Brexit: The Uncivil War for both Best Director and Best Single Film. Brexit written by James Graham and starring Benedict Cumberbatch was also nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Television Movie in 2019.
In 2019, Toby's Black Mirror episode USS Callister received seven Emmy nominations and went on to win four, including Outstanding Television Movie. He also won a Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) for his work on the acclaimed Doctor Who season five finale, The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang.
Toby directed and exec produced all seven episodes of Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell for Cuba Pictures and BBC ONE. This project received four BAFTA nominations and went on to win two.