
Last year, Broken: Jeffrey Epstein covered Epstein’s heinous crimes. Seeking Justice pivots to the survivors whose sense of resolution was warped by his death. When the season opens, the host, White House correspondent Tara Palmeri, is working with Virginia Giuffre, one of the most outspoken victims. They knock on the doors of Epstein’s former employees, trying to persuade them to corroborate Giuffre’s case. Initially, the responses are lackluster, and listeners might fear that they’ll have to settle for almost nothing. But doors do open. One victim, Courtney Wild, divulges the hard thinking she’s done about whether she could also be a perpetrator, since she helped Epstein recruit. Another survivor, Marijke Chartouni, confronts her recruiter, who denies any wrongdoing but also confirms much of Chartouni’s story. Hearing her process this information lets listeners observe the complex psychological impact that sexual assault has on a person. In the final episode, Palmeri describes being raped herself when she was 16 and explains why that felt important to disclose, creating a powerful and rare moment in investigative journalism. Listening to her, one realizes that justice isn’t even half of what survivors seek.

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