
After being diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer, a 44-year-old woman named Molly leaves her husband and starts a new life: one that includes having a lot of sex, mostly by way of internet dating. Dying for Sex, hosted by Molly’s friend Nikki Boyer, follows these adventures. At first blush, the show may come across as gratuitous and possibly in poor taste—Molly indulges a man’s tickle fetish, meets another with a foot-worship kink, and has a romp in the backseat of a car that ends ... prematurely. But Molly is so insightful about her changing body, needs, and perspective in response to having terminal cancer that the show never seems to veer too far into oversharing. Dying for Sex will lure you in with its sexcapades (a truly accurate use of this word) but keep you listening for a raw and touching look at why people so often say “Fuck cancer.”

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