The story revolves around two characters, Avika and Vansh. Avika is a simple girl from a middle-class family living in Lucknow with her loved ones. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she finds out that she's pregnant even though she isn't married nor is in a relationship. On the other hand, Vansh is a successful and ruthless businessman, the chairman of Wadhwa Group of Industries, living in Delhi. He is someone who doesn't believe in love or humanity and can crush anyone who stands in his way. Despite his power and wealth, he never had any interest in women. However, fate brings Vansh and Avika together, and they become bound by a mysterious string. It remains to be seen whether they will figure out the reason behind their connection and where their journey will take them. The story seems to be an interesting blend of romance, suspense, and drama. FM
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Runtime: 0h 00m