On a random Tuesday in 2142, the morally challenged, global corporation Gated Galaxies launched 400 Oz model-8000 ships into space. And it's a good thing, too, as the ships were about to be recalled for being "unlikely to make it down the street to a 7-Eleven, much less to space." Each ship was fully loaded with 50,000 of Earth's uber-rich, all of them hoping to terraform a planet of their own where they could reign supreme, untroubled by the Earth's riff raff. They would, they were assured by Gated Galaxies' CEO Mr Southers, become screamingly rich. To his credit, he was right about the screaming. But was that the real goal of the Oz fleet? Or was something more nefarious happening? This series follows the trials, tribulations, and occasional, entirely accidental triumphs of one ship: the Oz 9. Crewed by an assortment of serious no-hopers, the Oz 9 blunders its way through space, carrying the hopes, dreams, and futures of not just its resting guests, but of the entire human race. It's been nice knowing you.
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Runtime: 0h 00m