The news of Dhruv's fall from grace spread like wildfire throughout the ranks of the Bravery Team. How could someone so young and talented, who had earned the coveted rank of Eklavya, suddenly be reduced to zero? The mystery only deepened as no one seemed to have an explanation for what had happened. But for Dhruv, the blow was even more devastating. He had worked tirelessly for years, pushing himself to his limits and beyond, all in pursuit of greatness. And just when he had thought that he had achieved it, fate had dealt him a cruel hand. For a while, Dhruv was lost in a haze of despair and self-doubt. How could he ever hope to reclaim his former glory? Was he truly meant to be a hero, or had he simply been fooling himself all along? But slowly, the fire within him began to reignite. Dhruv refused to give up on his dreams, even in the face of such crushing defeat. He began to train even harder than before, pushing himself to new heights of strength and skill. And as he trained, Dhruv began to discover a new sense of purpose. He realised that being a hero wasn't just about rank or status - it was about using his abilities to help others, to make a difference in the world. With this newfound sense of purpose, Dhruv began to emerge as a true leader within the Bravery Team. He inspired his fellow heroes with his determination and resilience, and he began to forge new alliances and partnerships that would help them tackle the challenges ahead. Follow Dhruv's journey of self-discovery and heroism in Super Yoddha, a thrilling sci-fi adventure that will take you to the far reaches of the universe. Only on Pocket FM.
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Runtime: 0h 00m