
Catch and Kill is a tour de force. The suspenseful series about Harvey Weinstein’s years of alleged abuse features previously unheard audio and a large cast of international characters, including the actor Rose McGowan. The show, which is an extension of Ronan Farrow’s book by the same name, started airing at the end of 2019 but is still relevant a year later. It starts with an interview with one of the spies sent on Weinstein’s behalf to monitor Farrow. But the series goes on to discuss President Donald Trump’s alleged relationship with the National Enquirer, the intricate details of what it takes to fact-check a story like the Weinstein exposé, and different victim testimonies. Catch and Kill tells a story about cover-ups and the risks people take to reveal the truth. By following the story of the investigation itself, not just Farrow’s findings, the podcast reveals the massive coordination that goes into protecting powerful men and the equally immense effort required to unmask them.

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