
Unfinished, a show about America’s unresolved histories, premiered with a season titled Deep South that investigated the life and death of Isadore Banks. The wealthy Black businessman and landowner was lynched in 1954, and his killer was never identified. Even 66 years later, the white people in Banks’s Arkansas town don’t want to share what they know—a telling example of the erasure of Black history. The reporters Taylor Hom and Neil Shea embed in the area, go door-knocking, and provide as much closure as they can while also putting white power and white rage on display. Unfinished’s second season of 2020, called Short Creek, profiles a community of Mormon fundamentalists on the Arizona-Utah border. Some longtime residents have disavowed their religion but are unwilling to leave the land, creating a bitterly divided town; journalists Sarah Ventre and Ash Sanders have to draw out tight-lipped people on both sides. In their mission to dig deeper into America’s murky past, Unfinished Deep South and Short Creek give voice to people who’ve been sidelined or overshadowed.

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