Songs Details
A1: 134.3 BPM B1: 134.6 BPM Track durations and BPM are not mentioned on the label. Distribution Pinnacle / Recuts. Made on Earth. Two represses exist: One repress in red transparent vinyl and generic yellow cover. Another repress, also transparent red vinyl, has a blue and yellow Bush cover. Both represses lacks the > at the end of the numbers in the barcode, as the original's has. Gonk samples Truth Of Self Evidence
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Technical specs

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red

Formats: Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Red