Songs Details
Track durations and BPM are not provided on the record. BPM: A: 124 B: 124 C: 124 D: 126
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Technical specs

Formats: 2 x Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM

Formats: 2 x Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM

Formats: 2 x Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM

Formats: 2 x Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM

Formats: 2 x Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM

Formats: 2 x Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM

Formats: 2 x Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM

Formats: 2 x Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM

Formats: 2 x Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM

Formats: 2 x Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM

Formats: 2 x Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM

Formats: 2 x Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM