Story line
One of Televisa's darkest and most intriguing telenovelas ever produced. This is a memorable effort that required guts. The main plot deals with karma, divine justice, and revenge. Zurita as a Doctor has the chance to save or not the life of the kid of his son's killer. The novela deals with revenge, compassion, medical ethics, family, and most important; dealing with the loss of someone you really love. This is a dark, emotional telenovela that should be on reruns on the Telenovelas channel on Sky. I watched it on when I was only 7 years old and the first episode caught my attention to the point of watching everyday at night.
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More details

Country of origin: Mexico

Language: Spanish

Country Released: Mexico

Filming Location: Mexico

Production Costs

Budget ( overall series ): USD

Technical specs
Color Format

Color: color

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