Story line
A special Legião Urbana concert filmed by Band Network in 1994 during the promotional tour of "O Descobrimento do Brasil", one of the last gigs from the group since the other two albums were never promoted because of lead singer Renato Russo's poor health ("A Tempestade" and "Uma Outra Estação", which was released after his death). A fine presentation since their biggest hits are all there except that they don't perform anything from "V" (I was disappointed but there might be a personal reason of theirs since the hits from that album are mostly downer songs). Small interviews with the group are presented before some of the songs. Memorable highlights: "Ainda É Cedo" with Russo making sexual movements and noises on stage and dry humping the floor was something very unusual (and fun) to be seen; the band interrupting "Índios" with Russo challenging the audience they actually remembered the lyrics because he himself had forgotten too ("We didn't rehearse this song") and the "Star Wars" kind of introduction to "Faroeste Cabloco" was pretty cool. The fun thing about live performances is obviously how everything is presented and gives the songs a new way to listen to it with inclusion of other instruments or the changes of tempo as each song is played, and the band has two more members in this presentation (bass player and keyboard player). Problem is that sometimes the vocals enter too rushed and the song end up sounding erratic or off-key. Didn't like much of the lightning used, very reduced at times making the experience far too dark and it's not a typical case of video material problem that could be corrected with a mastering of the material (of which is needed but due to legal problems it might take time to occur if ever happens because it depends on a special soul in control of everything related with the group and it's someone hard to convince about doing anything for eager fans. Don't forget that Legião Urbana has countless of demo tapes recently found by police on a special task force that raided some illegal studio yet those materials won't see the light of day so soon...because of this special someone). I'm glad I had the chance to see this concert, they are great doing live performances as evidenced by the live albums released where the songs are always more special not only because of the audiences enthusiasm but also for the fact that some tracks were usually extended with Renato doing medleys with classic rock songs. And since I haven't lived those days (I was a kid back then) this is the best I can get of seeing the group outside of music videos and TV archives. Good stuff! 8/10.
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More details

Country of origin: Brazil

Language: English, Portuguese

Country Released: Brazil

Filming Location: Metropolitan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Production Costs

Budget ( overall series ): USD

Technical specs
Color Format

Color: color

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