Red Rooms

0h 00m
Ratings / Reviews: 0.0 (0) Rate

In darkest corners of the darknet, there are places where victims are held captive, psychologically tortured, live-streamed, then given a chance to escape if they confess their worst sins, p...

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I have been seeing this web series promoted for a while and figured it would be a typical low budget horror thing. IMDb showed it was releasing so I tracked it and watched. Red Rooms was a welcomed surprise. It completely held my attention with its interesting story and characters. It was not a shallow watch or follow at all, in fact, I watched the series in one sitting, then watched again to make sure I covered and understood all the connecting stories and twists. Creator Joshua Butler did a superb job of creating a complex story weaving all the characters together. Speaking of characters, they are limited to a small cast, but I cannot imagine having a bigger one, as there was so much story and elements to deliver, and this cast did a thorough job. I found everyone to deliver quality acting performances and was impressed with this cast of Brooke Lewis Bellas, David Alpay, Susan Lanier, Ricky Dean Logan, Noah Blake, and will be watching them again as their performances were all layered, and they tackled the script incredibly well. For a low budget virtual production, this cast and crew created a web series with professionalism and smarts. I really do look forward to watching again this weekend, as I feel like I still missed a few things.
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Country of origin: United States

Country Released: United states

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Budget ( overall series ): USD

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