Story line
The misses doesn't understand when I'm watching this in the fall instead of those DEADLY pro football pre-game shows. This show has ENERGY! I don't comprehend a damn thing they're saying but you know what it really doesn't matter. What I do know is they have great humor and also a great enthusiasm for sports. Fernando Fiore (also anchor for Univision's World Cup Coverage) and Rosana Franco are the co-anchors, along with ex-goalie Felix Fernandez. The show features sports coverage and interviews along with pretty much anything else. In the tradition of many Univision programs it doesn't hurt the language barrier that Rosana (former gymnast and general athlete) and the waitresses at the sports bar are quite attractive to put it mildly. Loads of fun and great background (even for us gringos) if you happen to be concentrating on something else.
More details
Country of origin: United States
Language: Spanish
Country Released: United states
Filming Location: Miami, Florida, USA
Production Costs
Budget ( overall series ): USD
Technical specs
Color Format
Color: color