Story line
It was the first time I had ever auditioned for a television commercial and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I had been cast for this Sabritas ad, plus the fact that we were shooting with famous Mexican singer, Luis Miguel. I arrived at the shooting location early in the morning and we began at around 9AM. While we were waiting between shots, I was standing right next to Luis Miguel, and we began talking. He said 'It's a great day to do a commercial and I said, 'It sure is'. Luis Miguel is a very nice guy. He is easy going and very mellow. We were talking about everything and laughing and now that I look back, it feels like he's someone I know. His father was there but I did not know who his father was at the time, but I saw him standing there and after having watched Luis Miguel: The Series, years later, I fully understand the implications of this TV commercial. If you haven't seen it on Netflix, I highly recommend it. This commercial was produced by Young & Rubicam and was very well made. They were so professional about it. We were there all day till we finally got the shots right. Great times! I met Luis Miguel years after at Viña del Mar, Chile and when I ran into him I said, 'Do you remember me? From the Sabritas television commercial' and he just turned around and nodded.
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More details

Country of origin: Mexico

Language: Spanish

Country Released: Mexico

Filming Location: Mexico City, Mexico

Production Costs

Budget ( overall series ): USD $30,000.00

Technical specs
Color Format

Color: color

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