Story line
During Sabrina Salerno's performance, one of her breasts slipped out of her dress, showing her nipple. Not only the scene was not cut and redone, it was shown in slow-motion, making the wardrobe malfunction the center of attention for all viewers. At that time, a scene of this type was unheard of on Spanish television, and as, at the time, there were only two national channels in Spain, everyone watched it all along the country, causing a huge scandal among all Spanish population. Years later, it is still remembered and considered as one of the most mythical moments in all of Spain's New Year's Eeve Special shows of all time, despite the fact that nowadays it is considered quite naive, bearing in mind everything that the arrival of private networks would bring to Spanish television in the next decades.
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Country of origin: Spain

Language: Spanish

Country Released: Spain

Filming Location:

Production Costs

Budget ( overall series ): USD

Technical specs
Color Format

Color: color

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