Story line
The 2016 AMG Heritage Awards celebrated the arts and excellence in the field of various genres. Hosted by television and movie star Clifton Davis and R&B Legend, Freda Payne the night was filled with music and drama. David L Cook was one of the many performers to take the stage. Others who performed included, Peggy March, Evelyn Champagne King, Gene Chandler, Dee Dee Sharp, Terri Gibbs and Christy Sutherland. The evening also showcased various public schools such as Sardis Elementary, WesternUnion Elementary, Union Preparatory, CATA, Union County Early College, Marvin Ridge Middle and the Mississippi Youth Chamber Orchestra. Childress
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More details

Country of origin: United States

Language: English

Country Released: United states

Filming Location: 3230 Presson Road, Monroe, North Carolina, USA

Production Costs

Budget ( overall series ): USD $200,000.00

Technical specs
Color Format

Color: color

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