Story line
The third show of the "Hollywood Palace's" third season was guest host Fred Astaire (#60; 3.03; air date 2 October 1965). Astaire's second hosting, the same season, was the seventeenth taped show (74; 3.17; air date 22 January 1966). Followed in March with his third hosting, the twenty fourth show (81; 3.24; air date 12 March 1966). Astaire's last "Hollywood Palace" hosting gig was the 31st show of the season of 32 shows (88; 3.31; air date 30 April 1966). His guests on this program included Barrie Chase and Herb Alpert. On each of Astaire's host shows, Astaire danced appearing in choreographed production numbers. Grey Lockwood, the director of the "Hollywood Palace", would interrupt Astaire's performance during the taped sequence, purposely, for Astaire to rest before continuing with the dance number. A technical video transcription problem was cited for the audience explanation. After completion of his television "Hollywood Palace" host assignments, realizing breaking up the choreographed production dance number, would be a feasible solution in doing a full length Astaire Dance Television special. proposed to NBC to continue his NBC Dance Specials, which is how the 1968 resulted in being produced and staged. James Trittipo (Hollywood Palace Production Designer) designed the NBC television special's scenery, and Bob Mackie designed the costumes.
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Country of origin: United States

Language: English

Country Released: United states

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Production Costs

Budget ( overall series ): USD

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Color Format

Color: color

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