The tormented spirit of Pumpkinhead has once again been let loose to seek vengence among the living. As one of the Keepers of Spirits it falls to you to end his reign of terror, if you can. Enter the cavernous realm of the spirits. Stop by the reflecting pool to watch a group of foolish teenagers raise Pumpkinhead from the his crypt then carelessly burn down the home of his guardian witch, Ossie. Now only you can stop the slaughter. You must traverse the dangerous netherworld on your quest. Beware, Pumpkinhead is now awake and also wanders these dark halls. If you should accidentally encounter him before you are prepared, he will certainly destroy you. With luck you will be able to find a hiding spot. Search for portals which will let you view the living and offer clues as to the targets of Pumpkinhead's wrath. You find that Ossie lays in a coma, hovering between death and life. Her spirit begins to break free of its mortal restraints and ease into your world. Find her, for no one knows more of the creature than she. She is the only one who can give you the clues to defeat the creature for good. But always remember with whom her allegiance lies. She, like you, wants Pumpkinhead to be freed from his torment but she also wishes for him to complete his evil quest first. Learn what you can from her but take it with a grain of salt. You should also realize that when the old woman finally breaths her last and slips to the afterlife, Pumpkinhead will have lost all restraint and will be more dangerous than you can imagine. The caverns also contain the weapons you need to defeat Pumpkinhead. Don't attempt to enter battle without them or you will be doomed. However, you also cannot allow the death of an innocent. You need not destroy the monster to save the living. He can be driven away if you have the cunning and bravery. You will not be able to give Pumpkinhead his ultimate rest alone. You must find help among the living. Obviously, though, you must pick an ally who is not only willing but able to gain the beast's trust. That will not be easy. Watch through the portals to learn who Pumpkinhead seeks and who might be pure of spirit enough to help you in your quest.
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