It's often been reported that Hironobu Sakaguchi called his game "Final Fantasy" because he intended it to be his last game before leaving the industry. It's also been reported the name was chosen due to financial difficulties faced by Square at the time that this could be the last game they could produce. However in truth the developers were looking for a word to compliment the fantasy theme of the game. The criteria was that the title needed to be easily abbreviated using the Roman alphabet and that abbreviation needed to be four-syllables. Using the word "Fantasy" was an obvious choice, given the game's genre. After initially considering Fighting Fantasy but finding out the name was already in use, they chose "Final." The abbreviation "FF" (efu efu in Japanese) fit the four syllable requirement. According to Sakaguchi, "Really, anything that started with an F would have been fine for the title."
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Game Release Date
Release Date
United States 05-12-1990
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