
There is a subset of small settlements in rural America that take their names from the local conditions: Catfish Paradise, Dry Prong, and Happy Corner (seriously) to name just a few. Perfect Tides is another of these places, albeit fictional. It’s a lovely island town that’s warm and touristy in the summer months but cold and lonely in the off-season. We find ourselves there at the beginning of the year 2000: the internet is making its mark on the world, the Y2K bug was not a big deal after all, and people are realizing that - now the fireworks have finished - the new millennium may have started with a whimper.

You play as a local unwilling island-resident, 15-year-old Mara Whitefish. Mara, having lost her father a few years before, lives with her overprotective mother and overbearing older brother. She spends a lot of her time in her room writing on bulletin boards, grabbing every opportunity she can, weather permitting, to escape to the mainland by ferry to hang out with anyone who’ll look past her adolescent insecurities. Like the world, delicately poised between the fun-lovin’ 90s and the serious future of the '00s, Mara herself is delicately poised between her childhood and adulthood. She’ll need your help to point-and-click her way through the difficult decisions that lie ahead in the complicated upcoming year.

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Game Release Date
Release Date
United States (US) 01-01-2022
Technical Specs

Number of Players: Single player

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