Lauro, Rita and Agus have a punk band that's not very successful, so they decide to bring a keyboard player to "refresh" their sound, and that's when they meet Pepe, a talented player. In spite of the fact that he has Down syndrome, they accept him in the band and call him "The Alien". Thanks to Pepe's "touch", Mr. Gramophone, a legendary music manager, decides to represent the band and takes them to the top of the music scene with a new genre. However, Lauro gets jealous of The Alien because he steals attention from him with his huge talent, and it seems he's going to steal the love of Rita, his ex-girlfriend, as well.
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Other Details

Release Dates: 09-30-2016

Country of origin: Mexico

Language: Spanish

Technical specs

Color Format

Color: color


Budget: USD

Revenue Worldwide

Currency: USD

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