Set in the Ming Dynasty, the story follows a bored Emperor who decides to take a little vacation from his regal duties. His destination is Kiang Nan, a village that lays claim to the most beautiful women in all of the Middle Kingdom. Upon hearing that one of his imperial guards will be visiting his home village, the Emperor decides to tag along, much to the consternation of his royal advisers. Once there, the Emperor happens upon a parade in celebration of the spring season and glimpses a beauty (Linda Lin Dai). They smile at each other, and an obvious attraction is sparked between the two. Upon meeting her again in the forest and playing a game with her friends, the Emperor then tracks the beauty to a local wine shop. He learns that her name is Li Feng, an innocent waitress working for her very stern brother.
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Other Details

Release Dates: 06-29-1959

Country of origin: Hong Kong,Singapore

Language: Mandarin

Technical specs

Color Format

Color: color


Budget: USD

Revenue Worldwide

Currency: USD

Movie photos
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