Songs Details
Issued in a jewel case with clear tray and fold-out insert plus DJ-Kicks ad card.
Track 21 incorrectly credited as 'Overooped'.
Track 22 is credited as "Pick Me Up" on the cover.
Made in France
STUDIO K7 Records, Heidestr. 52, 10557 Berlin
STUDIO K7 USA, 210 Fifth Avenue, NYC, NY 10010
Track 1: Off The Record Music
Tracks 2, 18: Grand Central Music (adjusted to Grand Central Music Publishing)
Track 3: Lounge Music
Track 4: Nice Tunes (BMI)
Track 5: Second Skin Records
Tracks 6, 9, 10: Warp Music
Tracks 7, 8, 10, 12, 19: Copyright control
Track 11: K.Dope
Track 13: Zomba Enterprises Inc./Jazz Merchant Music
Track 14: KPM Music Ltd.
Track 15: Uppercut Music (ASCAP) & Gifted Music (ASCAP)
Track 16: 3mv Music Publishing
Track 17: XIX.P/BMG/UFA
Track 20: Fat City Recordings
Track 21: Warner Chappell Music
Track 22: Deadbeats copyright MCPS
Track 23: Compost Records/Edition Klangwart/AMV Alster
Cat# on spine: K7093CD
Cat# on CD, back cover and inside booklet: !K7093CD
Technical specs
Formats: CD, Mixed
Formats: CD, Mixed
Formats: CD, Mixed
Formats: CD, Mixed
Formats: CD, Mixed
Formats: CD, Mixed
Formats: CD, Mixed
Formats: CD, Mixed