A Future Life - Shwezayti Vicara Monastery - Yangon Myanmar

0h 10m
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A student awakens the 200 monks, nuns, students and staff at 4 am. Most are very poor - and they call the ShweZayTi Vicara Monastery their home. We are introduced to the people who keep the ...

Story line
A student awakens the 200 monks, nuns, students and staff at 4 am. Most are very poor - and they call the ShweZayTi Vicara Monastery their home. We are introduced to the people who keep the Monastery running.
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More details

Country of origin: Myanmar

Language: English, Burmese

Country Released: Myanmar

Filming Location: South Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar

Production Costs

Budget ( overall series ): USD

Technical specs
Color Format

Color: color

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