Story line
It's ok. I liked the original better. It was fun and there was more at stake like losing everything which makes gameshows more watchable than others.
This one has the stakes of losing the ability to get the highest amount of money but keep what they already have. It gets boring. I've watched gameshows since I was a little kid and remember being hooked when the stakes were high instead of just the mere "you'll get what you have but you can't get the highest". I would like to see maybe the "get to this money amount and you're safe" so if you lose before that you get nothing.
That and I really wish they didn't play the John Cena theme. This is a gameshow not a show about him and they use his theme every once in a while. The theme itself is very annoying with how many times it has been in memes, vines, etc.. it gets annoying fast. I know many kids that get annoyed with repetitive things so if they dial back the theme to a guy who is only hosting a show (not the main attraction of why the show is the show) then it would be better.
Also that one episode where the principal (I think) had cooked bugs that he likes to eat and thinks is delicious. That one line of "the faster the show ends, the faster I can get mouthwash" was uncalled for. I was taught as a kid never to say or act like something is disgusting to someone who likes that something otherwise it would be considered rude. The kids should know better and so should John Cena, an adult. It seemed like it was shaming someone else for something they like when they don't like it. You can have your opinions to not like something but they were just plain rude about it.
I still like the show but those are just the points that knocked a few stars off
More details
Country of origin: United States
Language: English
Country Released: United states
Filming Location:
Production Costs
Budget ( overall series ): USD
Technical specs
Color Format
Color: color