Story line
The story takes place in 17th century Italy, revolving around Ade and her brother who live in a world where women who are suspected of witchcraft are prosecuted, hunted by a group calling themselves the Benandanti. After losing their grandmother, Ade and her brother escape and find themselves under the protection of a group of ancient witches. There, she finds out that she's the chosen one and harnesses magical powers, quickly falling in love with Pietro, son of the Benandanti's leader, Sante. From here, Ade faces many challenges across the 6 episode series, including trying to figure out her past and who she really is.
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More details

Country of origin: Italy

Language: Italian

Country Released: United states

Filming Location: Canale Monterano, Rome, Lazio, Italy

Production Costs

Budget ( overall series ): USD

Technical specs
Color Format

Color: color

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