Story line
Who would have thought learning about history could be fun thanks to this uber-cute anime series? The series is basically cats acting out moments in Japan's history in a comical fashion; I am a cat-lover, you know. As I said, I am always on the lookout for new anime to watch, so I had come across this series out of curiosity. Then, after watching the first 39 episodes, I now love it, and I have already chosen 11 favorite episodes so far. So overall, I love this series for its humor, not to mention its adorable animation. Also, I love a historical film or series because after watching it, you can research online or in a book and then compare the differences between what was shown and what really happened back then.
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Country of origin: Japan

Country Released: Japan

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Production Costs

Budget ( overall series ): USD

Technical specs
Color Format

Color: color

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