The Terra Show

0h 05m
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This show is an underground music chat show where the artist gets to demonstrate what they can do musically and will answer questions in a short interview.

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thought this show was amazing the first episode blew my socks off, its a show for underground artists and they will be able to get seen by the world without having to be famous this could open up doors for loads of normal everyday people who really love music. im already a massive fan after one episode and i will be watching many many more if they make them I've noticed they have a season 2 coming out next year so must be doing good. this show isn't about acting its a real life music documentary for underground artists from all over the country if your a fan of underground music you will love this show it is amazing great work from all the team at terra studios, keep up the good work
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Country of origin: United Kingdom

Language: English

Country Released: United kingdom

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Production Costs

Budget ( overall series ): USD

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