Story line
In this game show, eight assorted celebrities (actors, models, hosts, singers, etc.) are selected to mimic famous singers, from Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley to Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber. Each performance is preceded by footage of the contestant training with his/her coaches in dance and music and being interviewed by the show's host. Carefully examined by a jury of four, the contestants receive from 4 to 12 points (but 11) according to each one's live performance and the quality of their imitation. Additional to the points granted by each jury member, the contestants are given 5 points among themselves. The points are scored in a ranking; the one with the highest score wins. Finally, the points of each show are added in a general ranking to determine the winner of the season in the 10th and last show. The prize in each show are 3,000 EUR (3,800 $) that the winner donates to a NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) of his/her choice.
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More details

Country of origin: Spain

Language: Spanish

Country Released: Spain

Filming Location:

Production Costs

Budget ( overall series ): USD

Technical specs
Color Format

Color: color

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