Wreck Trek
0h 30m
Salvage cars in Berlin are fixed up specifically for a cross continent run though Africa. They face breakdowns, extreme terrain and even robbery.
Story line
This show had an interesting premise (if unoriginal think top gear) it falls apart because of the asshole in charge, john lovejoy spends entire series talking behind peoples backs and blaming everyone else because of his bad planning. The group eventually falls apart because of his toxicity and watching a bully bully a group of people doesn't make for great watching. I hope john lovejoy watches this and realizes he is the problem and if he wants to continue these shows, do it alone (and have no one watch) or don't go on the trip at all. Not worth a watch.
More details
Country of origin: United States
Language: English
Country Released: United kingdom
Filming Location: Germany
Production Costs
Budget ( overall series ): USD
Technical specs
Color Format
Color: color