
Bill O'Reilly exploded on live TV as he came to the defense of Fox News Tuesday morning. The O'Reilly Factor host told CBS This Morning. "It's a good place to work, all right? We do good work! We do honest work!" The former Inside Edition host vented his frustration after anchor Norah O'Donnell asked if he had read his colleague Megyn Kelly's new book, Settle For More, in which she says she was sexually harassed by former Fox News honcho Roger Ailes. Ailes denies the allegations.

An outtake from Bill O'Reilly's tenure on Inside Edition, which depicted O'Reilly cursing at his co-workers while having issues with the closing lines on his teleprompter. After the video went viral in May 2008, O'Reilly acknowledged the video's existence, claiming that he was amusing his co-workers and said "I have plenty of much newer stuff...If you want to buy the tapes that I have, I'm happy to sell them to you." The rant was later parodied by Stephen Colbert on The Colbert Report as well as Family Guy and by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show, and was named one of Time's "Top 10 Celebrity Meltdowns".

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