Description sells licenses to allow platforms to place advertisements on their users public profile pages. Backskin also manages the placement of the advertisements thus generating revenue for both the platform and its users. is a Social Platform Backskin leasing and servicing provider. This means if you're a social media, e-commerce, or other provider that hosts public-facing profiles, your backskins are our business. provides you the ability to place advertisements on Public-facing profile page backskins to generate revenue. can provide ad placement and scheduling services as well as a video and image editor so that ads will look their best on your platform. We want your backskin looking good.

Consumer generated stories outnumber industry generated stories on most brands... As a result of the distribution of technology we now have greater connectivity and more consumer empowerment than ever before... This has driven an on demand culture where consumers can turn their demands on or off 24 hours a day... The good news is that technology can enable brilliant creativity... We can develop deeper emotional connections with storytelling and with we can turn advertising into personal storytelling while leveling the playing field between consumers and advertisers and letting everyone generate revenue through dynamic Ad storytelling and not just some.

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Release date: 02-02-2023

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