Story line
C.A.B focused on a couple of children who look after an old shop (which used to be a Citizens Advice Bureau) for Ma Mossop who suddenly disappears and they are told she is staying at the Military Hospital. While Ma Mossop is gone the children turn detectives to unravel the mysteries of the shop before the other strange visitors to the shop do. What is everyone after in the shop? Is there any treasure in the Egyptian tomb? Will Colin and Franny find the answers before Mr Hellman, Smith or Anwar? Colin Freshwater, aka secret agent C.A.B, leads the investigation into the shops mysteries with his friend Franny Barnes, aka Franny The Brill - Ace codebreaker! After the success of the first series, two subsequent series followed. Series two (The Wooden Kamel Mystery) continued where the first series left off. Colin and Franny discover the Wooden Kamel Mysterious Travel company shop, run by Mr Hellman (Ma Mossop's cousin), where the plot delves deeper into the treasure left in the Egyptian tomb and the mysterious secret weapon from the second world war. With series three (The Mystery Of The Queen's Beast) taking a different story and two new children, Jace Freshwater (Colin's brother) and Tracey Barnes (Franny's sister) joining Colin on his quest into discovering more mysteries of the Wooden Kamel and Hellman's involvement in the missing Queen's Beast from Hampton Court. Is Hellman in on the plot for Eleanor to become Queen of England? Throughout it's three series C.A.B showed children in the UK (and Australia where it was also shown) a thrilling adventure filled with intrigue and plot twists. If you've never seen C.A.B, you have missed out on one of the forgotten classics of children's TV from the 80's. If you ever get the chance to see the show I urge you to do so - you won't be disappointed.
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Country of origin: United Kingdom

Language: English

Country Released: United kingdom

Filming Location:

Production Costs

Budget ( overall series ): USD

Technical specs
Color Format

Color: color

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